Monday, September 12, 2005


Everyday we know and face deceptions yet they differ according to the situations or even expectations.

I believe that all types of deceptions fade and get zipped, facing deceptions caused by the “man”.

It hurts to see how mankind is evolving and being lost in a word where humanity is getting ruled by egocentricity.

In simple words, the biggest deception at all is loosing faith in “man”.
You may say Hope still exists and Light needs only to be endorsed.
Yet, for each 10 people trying to lighten the path, 1000 people are invading this path, destroying with their feet each pebble paved with love and care…

I feel sorry for coming generations as they will never witness TRUST.
I envy the previous generations as they witnessed FAITH IN THE HUMANKIND.

I look today and see people thirsty to fulfill certain needs and desires:
Needs and desires that drive to madness…
Needs and desires that make them no different than beasts…
Needs and desires that destroy humanity and deprive “man” from any sense of morality

I look more and I see…
I see a mother who’s not worthy to be called so…
I see a friend who’s called so only because his benefits require so…
I see a family frozen in a picture and a frame and ignore the implication related to “family”…

I look… and I look… and I look…
With every sight deceptions grow.
With every glance deception sparkle.

And I ask:
Where are we heading?
On whom the sun would rise tomorrow?
In what world would be living?


Blogger Marroush said...

What you have written is very true. Yes, it's so saddening.

2:50 AM  

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